#howimetyourmother#English conversation mid-recommended
How I Met You MOTHER English Study Conversation I enjoyed watching when I was a college student I enjoyed watching it while studying I studied while watching it I found an old compilation…lol I can’t watch it on Netflix anymore…why did I lose the modern family and Howermet Uamazer I enjoyed watching on Netflix…put it back!! ㅠ_ㅠ Episode 1. How far did I go?
How I Met You MOTHER English Study Conversation I enjoyed watching when I was a college student I enjoyed watching it while studying I studied while watching it I found an old compilation…lol I can’t watch it on Netflix anymore…why did I lose the modern family and Howermet Uamazer I enjoyed watching on Netflix…put it back!! ㅠ_ㅠ Episode 1. How far did I go?